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Traveling to Peru is awakening pending dreams, it is connecting with oneself, it is entering 5 thousand years of living history.


To visit the regions of Peru is to enjoy a mestizo culture and gastronomy, unique and recognized in the world. If your heart tells you yes, dare to visit it.


Our Peru is divided into 3 geographical regions. The coast, whose coastline is home to the most beautiful beaches and Lima, considered the gastronomic capital of Latin America. The Sierra, represented by the Andes Mountains and where Cusco is located, the Archaeological Capital of America and declared Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO. Finally, the Peruvian jungle that houses the Amazon River, declared a New Natural Wonder of the World and where the Amazon is the perfect excuse to be in contact with nature and disconnect from the world.


Below you can find a selection of the most visited destinations in Peru and the experiences you can live in each of them.

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Lime  it is the city  capital  and the most populous  Republic of Peru . known as  the  City of the Kings, with  a single trip is not enough to discover all the wonders it offers. Nature, history, culture, adventure, entertainment and one of the best cuisines in the world come together to create an unforgettable experience. 

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Cusco is  the "historical capital" of Peru,  located  on the eastern slope of the  Andes mountains.  Acquaintance  as the navel of the world for being the political and territorial center of the Inca Empire.  Mystical and sacred, considerate  the capital of the Tahuantinsuyo Empire with a great historical and architectural legacy. Surrounded  of green valleys with imposing tourist attractions, culture, tradition and still latent faith that makes your visit irresistible.

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Ica  It is a city in the south central part of the  Peru ,  known as the city of the eternal sun  and cradle of famous wine cellars.  It has a desert and thousands of experiences. Sightseeing  by the Ballestas Islands, a flight over the Nazca and Palpa lines, an afternoon in front of the Huacachina lagoon, sandboarding in the dunes or a luxurious picnic in the desert.  All experiences in Ica are surprising and unique.



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Arequipa is known as the White City for its construction in ashlar, a stone of volcanic origin that provides a very attractive appearance and that becomes more intense under natural or artificial light.

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Legend has it that everything began in Puno.  that his lake saw  arise Manco Cápac and Mama Ocllo, founders of the  Inca empire. The truth is that, in Puno, every breeze of air will make you part of its history and incredible natural landscapes, as well as the warmth of its inhabitants and  the hubbub of its festivals, dances and rituals.  Puno is  the capital of Peruvian folklore, the  Andean plateau dominated by the solemn presence of Lake Titicaca, considered the highest navigable lake in the world, sacred place of the Incas, populated by dozens of natural and artificial islands, pre-Hispanic archaeological sites.

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Iquitos is the capital of the department of Loreto, it is located in the heart of the Peruvian jungle. It is one of the largest cities in the  Peru and the world.  Better known as the "beautiful island" and an ideal destination for lovers of ecotourism and those who want to feel the intimate contact with the virgin nature of the Amazon forests.

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Tarapoto is the capital of the province of San Martín.  One of the cities that begins the adventure through the Peruvian jungle. Its tropical climate and various natural attractions amaze the world.  53 km southeast of Tarapoto, in the town of Sauce, is the beautiful and beloved blue lagoon. One of the biggest attractions of the city, surrounded by vegetation on most of its shores, its color varies between green and blue, it is the habitat of herons, kingfishers, eagles, and fish.

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Madre de Dios

Mother of God  It is located in the southeast of the country, in the  Amazon.  It's a department  with abundant virgin forests and charming landscapes. It is possibly the least intervened and eroded area of the  Peruvian Amazone. It has the Manu National Park  being a  natural space protected by the  Unesco, which recognizes it  as a Biosphere Reserve and in 1987 it was declared  Natural heritage of Humanity.

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Piura is a city in the northwest of the  Peru.  It is the fifth most populous city in the country. It is also known as  City of the Eternal Sun  for its warmth and radiant sun from day to day, as well as the  city of carob trees  for its tropical dry forests of carob trees that turn green in each summer rainy season.  Piura has an intense cultural and artistic life, in addition to having beautiful beaches.



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Tumbes is a small border department. However, the experiences it has for you are great. Pacific equatorial and tropical dry forests, mangroves, fine-grained sand beaches, unique and extraordinary food.  In Tumbes there are the mangroves and islands of Puerto Pizarro, the Tumbes Mangrove National Sanctuary, the Cerros de Amotape National Park and the Cabeza de Vaca Monumental Archaeological Zone.  It is the cradle of black shell ceviche, a privileged place to see spectacular marine fauna.

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Cajamarca, capital of the Peruvian Carnival. City that was marked in history as the city of rescue. In it, the Spanish captured the last Inca, Atahualpa, who offered a room full of gold and two silver for his release. The promise was fulfilled and even so the Spaniards executed it, officially beginning the conquest of the Inca empire.  Cajamarca keeps, in addition to the weight of history, unique attractions: A stable where the cows are called by name to be milked and  a carnival party full of color and joy that lasts 4 days in a row.



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Huaraz is the capital of the department of Ancash. The origins of the city go back to the time  pre inca  Its mountains led by the Huascarán give the impression of wanting to reach heaven, which is why it has one of the best mountaineering routes on the continent. And the history of his people is not far behind. Its wonderful towns, which have seen floods pass, open through eucalyptus forests to show archaeological sites as renowned as Chavín.

Huaraz, a beautiful city located  in the Cordillera de los Andes, it is the cradle of the Callejón de Huaylas and the Laguna de Llanganuco.

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Chachapoyas is a city located in the North of the  Peru, capital of  Amazon department. It stands on the eastern slope of the  Andes mountain range, in a plain of the basin of the  Utcubamba River, tributary of the  Maranon River. The historic center of Chachapoyas, declared Cultural Heritage of the Nation, stands out for its mansions with patios and gardens inside  and churches, In this city you will find  the Gocta waterfall, which is one of the most visited waterfalls in the Amazon region. 

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